October 22, 2024


All agribusiness in one place

The ideal Farmer’s self sustaining home:

2 min read

The idea of a self sustaining home is one few think of in details,  i feel that the farmer is one person who should live the most fulfilling life. From fresh groceries to fresh eggs, from serene environment to to waking up to the tweeting of birds in the morning. On the contrary, the farmer in Kenya seems not to be appreciated at all or rather doesn’t appreciate him/herself. For me, The ultimate life of a farmer should ideally look like this:


The farmer being the food producer of the country should be the one enjoying the best quality. I am usually surprised to see farmers sell most of their best produce and are left with the poor qualities. In fact my mother rarely made us the famous homemade maziwa lala yet we had cows all through. Ideally, the farmer should eat the best stake, drink enough fresh milk, eat the ripest bananas before he even thinks of selling the rest.  >>(Click >>site visit to see more details on our site visit.)

> Energy

most farmers still use firewood as the main source of energy. Well, it does not pay to be ignorant! Many technologies of building low cost biogas units and are sustainably using the same without degrading the environment and making farming look “ugly”. Biogas provides all the heating needs in the farm, easy to maintain and is very durable.

> Lighting

Well solar is here and it is duty free. Have you ever thought of turning the equations the other way? use KPLC electricity as backup since solar should be the main lighting supply. Solar is both affordable at the moment and if well designed can provide sufficient lighting for domestic needs. After all, God’s sun is free!


In this article  i touched on how you can simply tap over 50,000 litres of surface runoff water from the rains depending on the season, well i dont beleive in running after water after it has already flowed! Did you know that 80% of the total water that you use goes to waste? if you know have you done anything about it? Imagine how much water bill you would save if you recycled these waste water! Theyou have it, enough water to irrigate, drink and give to cows.

There you have it, the ideal self sustaining home, a project all farmers should work towards implementing!  all wealthy people know that you make more out of saving than earning… the idea is to reduce the recurring expenditure… All farmers should live like Kings.




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