October 22, 2024


All agribusiness in one place

Vegetable pests and solutions

2 min read

Vegetable pests and solutions, courtesy of syngenta:

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 Bean Fly Beans, Peas Longitudinal mines, usually darkened at base of young plants. Seed dressing with CRUISER
Leaf Miner

Beans, Peas, Tomato Mines between upper and lower surface of leaves. Heavy infestation leads to leaf drop. DYNAMECTRIGARD
Red Spider Mite (RSM) Beans, Peas, Tomato, Cucurbits (Courgettes, Melons, Squash, Cucumber, Pumpkins) and other Asian vegetables Tiny, usually mobile red mites on the underside of plant leaves, often under fine web. Damage caused by sucking of plant sap.Infected leaf looks pale and chlorotic if severe. DYNAMEC

POLYTRIN (for Tomatoes and cucurbits)

Diamond Back Moth (DBM) (Brassicas) Cabbages, Kales, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts… Small to medium sized, irregularly shaped holes in leaves; cause; feeding (chewing) by larvae of DBM which are tiny and green in colour. MATCH




Tomatoes, Beans, Peas, Cabbages, Kales, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts,

Damage caused by chewing of plant leaves, shoots, fruits and in some cases, even roots. When emerging plants are attacked, they will often not recover.





American Bollworm


This notorious caterpillar feeds on flower buds, flowers and developing fruit. Can devastate entire crops.



Most crops

Damage is caused by sucking of plant sap, and the spread of viral diseases. Under ideal conditions, populations establish very rapidly. May be winged or unwinged. Usually present on the under side of leaves.



Most crops

Small characteristically white insects that fly off at slightest sign of intrusion.

Damage is caused by sucking of plant sap, and the spread of viral diseases. Larvae are unsightly.



Most crops

Tiny barely visible insects that hide in leaf crevices and also inside flowers.

They suck plant sap, and damage leaving silvery whitish scars on the surface of leaves, petals, pods and sometimes stems.

Also responsible for virus transmission of viruses.


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