October 22, 2024


All agribusiness in one place

Agricultural insurance in Kenya feature part 2

1 min read

Agricultural policy by Heritage insurance Company

Crops :

  1. Perils Covered
    • » Fire
    • » Windstrom
    • » Excessive rainfall
    • » Uncontollable pests and diseases
    • » Drought except under irrigation farming
    • » Hail
    • Take part in our seedlings and horticultural exposure visit here
  2. Livestock:
    • Cattle ( Dairy and Beef )
    • Shoats – Sheeps and goats
    • Poultry (Layers and Broilers)
    • Pigs
    • Horses
    • Pets – Dogs
    • Fish
    • Perils Covered
    • » Mortality due to :
      • Accidents
      • Diseases
      • Complications during delivery
      • Emergency slaughter on medical grounds
      • Fire, Smoke, Lighting
    • » Theft
  3. Greenhouse :
    • Plastic cladding and steel structure
    • Growing crop
    • Yield in Transit
    • Machinery breakdown
    • Deterioration of stock
    • Irrigation Equipment
    • Other assests related to greenhouse production
    • Perils Covered
    • » Fire and fire fighting
    • » Theft and/ or loss during fire, fire fighting or salvaging.
    • » Lighting
    • » Impact damage
    • » Plane Crash
    • » Theft after burglary
    • » Damage during burglary or attempt thereto
    • » Water from reservoirs and / or water tanks
    • » Excessive rain
    • » Storm (Including Hail or weight of snow)
    • » Salvage costs
  4. Forestry :
  5. Perils Covered
    • » Fire
    • » Lightning
    • » Explosion
    • » Windstorm
    • Optional Additional Covers
    • Flood and / or inundation
    • Malicious Damage
    • Subsidence and landslide
    • Damage by wild animals
    • Riot strike and civial commotion
    • Aircraft and other aerial devices and / or articles dropped there from

See more details about their policies here

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